Ludovic and Romano perform “backstage jobs.” Respectively in charge of the musical and video atmosphere at Disney Village – the entertainment complex at Disneyland Paris – they discreetly help bring to life this unique and very lively place. We went to meet them.
As with the Parks, Disney Village’s background music contributes to the Guest experience. A free entertainment center aimed at both local visitors and those staying at Disney Hotels, the ambiance is relaxed with alternating pop rhythms, Disney songs and music from Disney Parks around the world to delight families and Disney fans. Behind-the-scenes at the Sports Bar, in his personal control room, Romano Armento makes sure that these playlists are broadcast every day, and that special audio jingles are created, especially for seasonal events.

In addition to Disney Village’s main walkway, he compiles specific music playlists for when there are no concerts or DJs in the Sports Bar and Billy Bob’s Country Western Saloon.

“I have a little more leeway on those places that are more adult-oriented. I try to offer slightly more eclectic titles, along with rock, pop, country… It’s less ‘Disney.’ I keep up with the trends, what works, and I compose and program my set while, of course, paying attention to the song content. After all, we are a family destination! For the English songs, I pay twice as much attention to the subtlety of the lyrics,” Romano says smiling.
Romano is also in charge of Disney Village’s web radio, which can be heard on the official website at
This web radio captures the essence of Disney Village with a variety of music including Jazz programs for that jazzy feeling at the Steakhouse restaurant, retro Rock & Roll at Annette’s Diner, and a Club Mix on weekends with more Disco and Electro. Several thousand internet users listen monthly, a real pride for Romano who is passionate about radio and music.

Did you know? At Disney Village, there are three separate musical loops: One for the morning, one for the afternoon and one for evening, offering different rhythms and moods for each part of the day!

Ludovic, in his editing studio next door to Romano. While Romano handles the music, Ludovic is in charge of the video loops running on the giant screen above the Sports Bar. He also takes care of the video loops on the TV screens of the La Grange restaurant and Billy Bob’s terrace.
“Except for the sports games, everything else is me. I create programs from video clips, Disney clips or trailers, all kinds of advertisements (like the ones on health measures that we see regularly these days), and of course I have a direct link with the Communications, Marketing and Social Media teams so I can promote all things Disneyland Paris and share the latest news. My editing software is my best friend!”

Once the clips are in the box, Ludovic makes sure they are programmed and broadcast on the right media. Disney Village is open 7 days a week until late at night, so there are a lot of hours in the day for content! Internally, Ludovic is also in charge of the information televised specifically for Disney Village Cast Members – producing and editing part of the program – supplemented by clips from Internal Communications, Safety and Social Media teams.
Thanks to Romano and Ludovic for their stories and the playful atmosphere at Disney Village!